Let us build you a custom travel itinerary that fits your travel goals and takes the stress out of travel planning.

This option is great if you want the comfort of knowing each of your days are planned and that plan is based on YOU. We can help you plan the best trip possible that is based on YOUR travel goals. Allowing you to maximize your time by providing you an itinerary that meets your vision, includes route information, estimated wait times (and the best time to attend attractions), and knowledge of the culture and what locals recommend.


After getting to know YOU, what motivates you and your travel goals, we prepare your detailed itinerary. If you are using our booking services we can book as much or as little of the itinerary as you would like. If you are not using our booking services we will provide the links to everything you need to make the bookings yourself. As travel planners our time and expertise helps take the hassle out of all the research and planning of travel (on average it takes people 30+ hours to plan a trip with which they still have reservations about).  All with the goal of setting you up for the best trip possible by maximizing your time and money.

Our custom travel planning can include some or all of the following:

  • A detailed, day-to-day itinerary with links
  • Travel consultation and advice
  • Transportation Options
  • Airline Lounge Options
  • Accomodations that are suited to your budget
  • Tours, Activities and Suggestions on things to do
  • Local Tips, unique experiences and recommendations that help your trip stand out.
  • Restaurant Recommendations

How It Works

Start the process by:

  • Complete our contact form, enter ‘custom itinerary planning’ in the subject line and fill out as much information as you can. Include a brief message regarding your travel goals, travel style and anything else that is important.
  • We will contact you to arrange a 30 minute call to get to know you better.
  • Once we’ve completed our call, over the next two weeks we will build out your detailed customized itinerary in PDF form with links and travel information and send it to you via email.
  • If needed we will have one 30 minute follow-up call to make any revisions to the itinerary. (Additional calls and revisions come at an additional fee).
  • Payment will be due after the call but before we send your detailed customized itinerary.

If you have any further questions before booking our services, drop us a line at hello@traplanz.com.

Custom Travel Planning Pricing is dependent on a few factors such as the number of destinations, the size of your itinerary, number of people in your party, etc.

What’s Not Included: It’s important to note that this is a custom travel itinerary offering without bookings. If you decide you would like us to assist with your bookings please see our bookings page.

Please note, we are not available for assistance during your trip or in case of emergencies if you have not used our booking services.

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